Introducing Focal Powered by Naim in Winnipeg — Creative Audio in Winnipeg
Premier cru to celebrate the launch of Focal Powered by Naim in Winnipeg at Creative Audio

In May, Creative Audio celebrated its 44th anniversary with a launch event for an exciting project over two years in the making. I was thrilled to throw open the doors to a new and exceptional audio experience for Winnipeg: Focal Powered by Naim. A specially constructed and branded demo room, it is a first for Creative Audio.

Naim electronics have been a staple in my showroom for over twelve years. Many of you know of my passion for these amps and streamers made in England. It all started with the Naim nDAC. I knew of the brand’s reputation but when a colleague pointed out the buzz around this premium digital-to-analog converter, I decided to bring in a sample.

Every brand in my store must earn its place through my rigorous audition process. I’m no Audio God, but I do have over thirty years of experience and I know what my clients like. The nDAC won me over immediately. More samples came and each one impressed more than the last. I couldn’t stop listening. I’d never heard my favourite music sound so good. Naim’s reputation in the audiophile community was clearly well deserved.

A visit to the Naim factory in Salisbury, England, allowed me to witness the attention to detail in their manufacturing process.

Great sound alone, however, will not get you through the gate at Creative Audio. I will only sell products I can truly stand behind. I must also assess build quality and reliability. A visit to the Naim factory in Salisbury, England, allowed me to witness the attention to detail in their manufacturing process (Naim components are built by hand). They also demonstrated their commitment to long-term service, as they can still service the very first amplifier they built nearly fifty years ago!

With a checkmark in every box, Naim soon became Creative Audio’s flagship brand. Since then, I have designed and built countless Naim systems for my clients. I never get tired of the look of surprise and excitement on their face during a demo. There is a realization that they are hearing something truly special. Today, the Uniti line of premium all-in-one streaming amplifiers draws the most attention, alongside the incredible Mu-so range of premium wireless speaker systems.

Focal is a newer addition to Creative Audio and their path to status as my flagship speaker brand was not entirely obvious. It started three years ago with a phone call from a rep. Though a separate company based in France, Focal were now under an umbrella with Naim and there was a unique synergy between the brands, or so I was told. Would I be interested in carrying Focal speakers? I politely declined. “Why?” asked the rep. “Because I’ve heard them, and I don’t like them” was my brutally honest reply. I never lie.

Creative Audio owner Jeff Kowerchuk talks with a client at the launch of Focal Powered by Naim in Winnipeg at Creative Audio

Fifteen years earlier, before I bought Creative Audio, my boss had received some samples of speakers from Focal, then known as JM Lab. It was time to audition. (That rigorous selection process I mentioned earlier is deeply rooted in Creative Audio’s history - I learned it through my former employer.) He asked me what I thought. It was obvious that these speakers were technically excellent: the inverted-dome tweeters offered oodles of detail, the stereo soundstage image was razor-sharp, and the crucial midrange was reproduced with astonishing accuracy. All good, right? Yes, were it not for one thing: they were sterile. Bland. Boring. My boss agreed. And so, he decided to bring them in.

Wait a minute – what?! I know, but there was logic in his decision. These were clearly great speakers; it was just that we personally didn’t like them. Maybe others would? He felt we should expand our horizons and offer more choice to our clients. And so, we welcomed JM Lab to Creative Audio and proceeded to rarely sell them. They languished in the corners of the store. We couldn’t muster any passion for a speaker that, no matter how technically brilliant, was unable to stir our soul with its music. Our clients agreed. One of the first things I did when I took over the business was clear out our remaining JM Lab inventory.

It’s not just about technical specifications. High end audio should move you.

A valuable lesson learned: it’s not just about technical specifications. It goes deeper than that, to something more intangible. A quality stereo system is built from components – streamers, CD players, turntables, amplifiers, and speakers – that work together to reproduce music that excites you, that gets your toes tapping, that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand at attention. High end audio should move you.

Back to that phone call with my rep. He suggested that I try some samples and give Focal another try, assuring me that a lot had changed since that last experience. Normally I take the words of any rep with a grain of salt; they are salesmen after all. This one was different. I’d known him for many years, he had extensive knowledge of the industry having once owned his own audio store, and I trusted his opinion. I agreed, and before long I had several pairs of new Focal speakers to listen to.

First up were the Kanta No. 2. Focal speakers are famous for their long break-in period, especially those with the Beryllium tweeter. These would get 200 hours of use before I would do any critical listening. Yet right out of the box I knew something special was happening. My rep was right, Focal had changed. They were still technically detailed and precise – even more so – but now they were engaging and fun to listen to. They were making music. Right from the first note they commanded me to sit down and listen. By the time the break-in was complete, I was astounded.

Focal Utopia headphones available to audition in the Focal Powered by Naim experience in Winnipeg at Creative Audio.

Similar reactions would come as I auditioned the Aria and Chora models I’d been sent. I also quickly fell in love with Focal’s style. They were unique. Chic. No surprise there really, considering they are designed and manufactured in France, which was a refreshing change from the usual Made in China. And so, I was only too happy to welcome Focal to Creative Audio. Soon after, I made the decision to position them as my flagship speaker brand and I haven’t looked back. Gauging by the reactions of my clients, I made the right choice.

Focal Powered by Naim is a new global initiative and Creative Audio was the natural choice for the Winnipeg location. Here you have a unique opportunity to experience these prestigious hi-fi brands in person. You can see them up close and appreciate the attention to detail in their manufacture. Listen at leisure, without swarming high-pressure salespeople.

Focal’s complete range of hi-fi headphones can be heard through the Naim Uniti Atom Headphone Edition, a first-class headphone amplifier with built-in streaming. Hear the premium Mu-so range of wireless speaker systems from Naim. Then there is the opportunity to hear a true high-end stereo system: on display are the stunning Focal Sopra No. 2 loudspeakers (in dazzling Electric Orange) powered, of course, by Naim amplification. You can also see and hear the Naim Solstice Limited Edition turntable system; only 500 were made worldwide and we have one right here in Winnipeg!

I mentioned earlier the synergy between Focal speakers and Naim electronics, and I can assure you it’s true. Focal uses Naim amplification in their design process as they voice their loudspeaker and headphone designs. Naim uses Focal speakers in their process as well. Each brand stands on its own individual merit and you don’t need a Naim amplifier to hear the magic in a Focal speaker or vice versa. Put the two together, however, and an incredible musical experience will follow. System synergy is real.

I love all the brands I carry but, to my ears, Focal and Naim are the ultimate representation of what high-end audio is all about.

Focal Powered by Naim is about me sharing with you my passion for great sounding music. When you own your own business, it becomes your life. It becomes all-consuming. I wouldn’t be able to do this, day in and day out, if I didn’t truly love it. I never get tired of hearing from my clients about how they have fallen in love with their music again, thanks to their new audio system. I love all the brands I carry but, to my ears, Focal and Naim are the ultimate representation of what high-end audio is all about.

Great sound quality should be enjoyed by all. I invite you to the Focal Powered by Naim showroom at Creative Audio. Come! Treat your ears!
